
Age’s Story

I am so proud of Age, and happy to share her success story. Age has not only lost 80 pounds, but has kept those pounds off by continuing with her nutrition and exercise program, which are now a big part of her lifestyle. She has been successful, not by dieting or trying some exercise fad (which is not a good or healthy way to lose weight), but by following an exercise program designed to assist her in reaching her fitness goals, and by replacing her food choices with healthier ones, while watching her portion sizes.

Other changes Age has made

She never ate breakfast; now she does. She has cut out soda, and drinks water either before or after every meal. She has cut out her fried foods and eats more lean meats like chicken. While she still likes burgers, instead of purchasing fast food burgers, she purchases 80% lean beef and makes her own. White rice has been replaced with Brown Rice. White flour has been replaced with whole grains. She eats more often but in smaller portions. She still goes out to dinner occasionally, but indulges sensibly.

She exercises at least 3 times weekly using an assigned workout program designed for her ( as well as some other fun exercises she likes to add).

Age started her journey toward greater health in 2011. Last week, I snapped this 'after' photo of her working out and weighing in at 175 pounds. She has lost an average of 20 pounds per year over the last four years, and continues to look beautiful and amazing.

Age, I am so very proud of you! -Val

My Story

I started with a diet. I was completely miserable and it didn’t work. I needed a new plan. With a demanding management job and five kids, I had to find a way to get results without spending a lot of time. My first step was a fitness assessment and consultation with Val. That also turned out to be the first step towards finishing my first marathon……a goal I had never even dreamed of.

My Results

Eight years ago I weighed 230 pounds. My exercise routine? Fishing. My wife would sometimes nag a little about my weight, but I didn’t worry about it. I was happy. No problem here.

Until one day I couldn’t bend over far enough to tie my own shoes. At first I got mad. Not at me, at my wife for feeding me too much! Eventually I realized I had to do something.

All I wanted back then was to lose weight. Val coached me through a program of proper nutrition and cardio workouts. I started losing pounds immediately. And no dieting! At first I could only run/walk a mile on the treadmill. I ran so heavily you could hear the pounding outside. Val focused on improving my balance and core strength. My form started to smooth out. I began to run more efficiently.

Nobody, including my wife, thought I’d keep it up. But Val got me really focused. A year later I finished a 40 mile race. In 2008 I ran the Portland Marathon in 3:27, and the following year in 3:18. That qualified me for the Boston Marathon. I ran my first Boston in 2010 in 3:19 and have been running it every year since.

So, here I am now, with 15 marathons behind me and 70 pounds lighter. My best marathon time so far is 3:15:40. I’m 40 seconds away from my goal!

My Story

I was born an adventure buff with a love for climbing, hiking, running and general cavorting out of doors. Unfortunately, I was also born with hyper-extensive joints that are easily injured. By the time I was 26, I had damaged my ankles so severely they needed to be reconstructed using tendons taken from my leg. The recovery was long and painful and my doctors told me I’d never run again. But I was determined to do just that and more.

By the time I became a Val’s Fitness client, I had been lifting weights for twenty five years. I had managed to keep active but had been plagued with frequent injuries.

I am a busy high-tech executive and can’t spend a lot of time in the gym. And even if I could, I’d rather be outside. I needed somebody who could work with an injury and get results quickly.

My Results

Val targeted my biggest liability, my ankles, with lots of exercises requiring balance and flexion. We strengthened the muscles around all my joints with resistance training. Now my injury rate is close to nil. I’m also more toned and have better posture—a real plus in any business situation. Perhaps most surprisingly, I am spending less time strength training but getting twice the results I used to. That means more time to get outside and do what I love. Including running---that’s me in the hat at the finish line of the Shamrock Run 5K.

Never say never.

What others have to say

"For over 5 years I’ve used my personalized 'Val's Fitness Club' exercise routine and nutrition advice as the 'road map' to my healthy lifestyle. Val has put together a comprehensive set of exercises that I can do even when I don’t have access to the gym; I never leave home without it. I live on the east coast and do a bit of traveling, yet, I always feel like I have the convenience of a trainer literally at my finger tips -with the extension of services via online access and across time zones. 'Val makes you feel like you’re her only client.' Those sentiments were echoed among a group of us at one her many organized annual sporting events. Professionalism, attentiveness, training with precision and more importantly, expertise that’s worth a million with results that can last you a lifetime. That’s Val’s Fitness Club. Thank you, Val!!"  --Michelle

"Val's positivity and supportive nature ensure that you cannot fail." --Christy

"Val is a true industry professional with a wealth of knowledge and experience." --Zynn


"I have been lifting weights for more than thirty years. I've had the pleasure of working with Val for the last seven. Now I spend half the time I used to in the gym and get twice the results. Both aerobically and strength-wise, I'm doing things I never thought I could. It's fun and inspiring to work with someone who not only talks the talk, but walks the walk" --Denise


"Val's positive reinforcement and personalized workouts result in better mental and physical health." --Janet


"Always an unexpected and a fun challenge for your mind and body." --Umika


"We have been clients of Val since August 2005. Besides being an excellent trainer and nutritionist, we have become good friends and a part of her "groupies" for traveling all over the world. Val makes workouts fun, entertaining, and mixes up the routines so we never get bored. If you have an injury, she is great at working around those injuries -- has even saved us a few chiropractic appointments." --Lindsey and Marilen McGill


"Val specializes in fitness and good nutrition, whether you are an elite athlete, someone with limited physical abilities, or somewhere in between. Val has the amazing ability to meet you at your level and guide you toward your fitness goals. Having trained with Val the past eleven years, I can not imagine my journey to better health without her!" --Jane


"I have been training with Val for five years now. I am faster than a speeding bullet and able to leap leap tall buildings in a single bound." --Jed


"Val holds the unique ability to understand an individual's fitness goals and trains her clients by balancing mind and body fitness, ultimately providing her clients the opportunity to reach their health goals" --Carrie


"I have been training with Val over 12 years. I have been in the best shape of my life and accomplished challenges that I never dreamed I could attempt. Now, because of her, I am confident that I will work my way back from my worse ever (recent) injury. Ps. Never trust her when she says lie on your back and *relax*." --Joan


"No matter what your fitness level, Val customizes your workouts and helps you with nutrition. Her fitness center is awesome and private; no reason to be self conscious." --Kelly


"Val trains each client as a unique individual - crafting a program of exercise, stretching, and nutrition for each body’s best results." --Kitty


"I am fortunate to have found a professional trainer like Val. I have always wanted to feel this good but never quite got there. From exercising properly to good nutrition, she helps me be my best. Thanks Val!" --Jon


"Finding Val's Fitness (and Val!) is the best thing that helped our family get on a consistent path to health and fitness. Thank you Val!" --Our Family - from the septuagenarian grandparent to the eight year old - the Krishnas


"I tend to be an organized person. However, I didn't realize how disorganized my exercise regimen was until I met Val 14 years ago. Val has helped me develop my balance, core strength and endurance in a way I didn't think was possible. Now it's like a drug! I am hooked and I can't make it through the week without a big dose of Val and her method. Onward with gusto!" --Steve U

"Val is the absolute best. She makes me feel so good about myself, both physically and mentally." --Anita


"An hour with Val is therapeutic, relaxing and exhausting all at once." --Scott