General Profile information: Gender, Height, Current Weight, Date of Birth

Activity Level: Choose the level that best fits your lifestyle:

Sedentary – Little or no exercise.

Somewhat Active – Light exercise / sports one to three days per week.

Active – Moderate exercise / sports three to five days per week.

Very Active – Moderate to vigorous exercise / sports six to seven days per week.

Estimated Daily Calorie needs: Your chosen activity level helps determine your daily calorie needs.

BMI Measurement: Body Mass Index is a standard measure of body fat based on the height and weight of adults.

Weekly Weight Loss Goal (in pounds): Choosing a realistic weekly weight loss goal:

½ pound weekly weight loss plan? Consume 250 less calories than your daily calorie needs.

1 pound weekly weight loss plan? Consume 500 less calories than your daily calorie needs.

1½ pound weekly weight loss plan? Consume 750 less calories than your daily calorie needs.

2 pound weekly weight loss plan? Consume 1000 less calories than your daily calorie needs.

Estimated Daily Calories for Goal: Your estimated daily calorie needs are adjusted based on your chosen weekly weight loss goal.


Experience: Determine your training experience level by choosing Beginner, Intermediate, or Advance level.

Equipment Preference: Choose the order of your workout equipment preference of Machines, Freeweights, Bodyweight, or Bands, as displayed in the respective workouts.

Planned Workouts per Week: Choosing your workout frequency per week (once, twice, or thrice) determines your workout exercises.

Weight and Reps Guide: Perform 8 to 15 repetitions per set. Start with the lightest weight. If less than a 6-rep capability, decrease weight. If more than a 20-rep capability, increase weight.

Resetting Your Workout Setup: To change your workout experience, preference or frequency before the end of your workout cycle, you must visit the hamburger /contents screen and tap “Reset Workouts”.


Warm up for 10 minutes (walk, run, cycle, stairs, elliptical) or jump rope for at least 2 minutes before workout.

Perform at least 2 or 3 sets of each exercise, using the strength equipment of your choice.

‘View Day’ button on pop-up: In the viewing mode, you may view all exercises and their related videos and written video steps without activating the workout session.

‘Start’ button on pop-up or ‘Begin Day’: Begins your workout session. You may still view exercises and their related videos and written video steps for other workout days but cannot begin another workout day until the chosen workout day exercises are complete.

‘Alternative’ button: Alternative exercises are available for each exercise in the order of your workout equipment preference.

‘Video Steps’ button: Descriptive steps to the featured video.

‘Incomplete’ button: After performing exercise, tap to mark as completed.

‘C.A.S.H – IN ~ Intervals®’ button: Incorporates interval training (Core, Abdominals, Stretching, and Heart-Healthy) exercises during your strength training workout. You may ‘Cash-in’ (perform interval exercises) anytime during strength training, or you will be reminded by a flashing ‘CASH-In ~ Intervals’ button. You may also choose to ‘CASH-In’ any time during the day, and mark within your app as completed.

The Notes icon at the top right of the screen can be used to add notes and the cardio undertaken on that day.

C.A.S.H – IN ~ Intervals® PROCESS

The C.A.S.H – IN ~ Intervals® session is also a part of each workout program to maximize the benefits of total fitness by incorporating Core, Abdominals, Stretching and Heart-Healthy exercises. You may also choose to ‘CASH-In’ any time during the day, and mark in your app as completed.

In the viewing mode, you may view all exercises and their related videos and written video steps without activating the workout session.

When the workout session has begun the ‘C’, ‘A’, ‘S’, ‘H’ letters remain flashing until at least one of their related exercises is marked as completed.

‘Alternative’ button: Alternative exercises are available for each exercise in the order of your workout equipment preference.

‘Video Steps’ button: Descriptive steps to the featured video.

‘Incomplete’ button: After performing exercise, tap to mark as completed.

‘Resume Workout’ button: You may toggle between the ‘Cash-In’ screen and your workout screen until all exercises are marked as completed.

‘Workout Done’ button: Use this button when all exercises on both platforms are marked as completed. A popup message will confirm that the workout day has been successfully completed.

The Notes icon, at the top right of the screen, can be used to add notes and the cardio undertaken on that day.


The Daily Status screen provides quick access to the day’s meals consumed, cardio undertaken, food coins used, and cardio coins saved. It also reflects all notes made on that day and facilitates keeping track of the day’s meals and weight loss food coins remaining for that day.

The Notes icon at the top right of the screen can be used to add notes and the cardio undertaken on that day.

The floating Calendar button on the lower right of the screen is a short cut to the Progress screen which provides a summary of weight loss progress, awarded trophies, and total coins saved to accomplish a weight loss goal. You may also access the status of a prior day by tapping on the calendar to access the activities of that day.


The Progress Screen tracks progress towards a weight loss goal and displays accumulated coins saved towards the goal. The screen allows for cardio data entry and reflects the cardio coins saved for that day.

Cash Out button: This button appears at the bottom of the screen once the required coins to reach a weight loss goal have been saved, and you are prompted to ‘Cash Out’ to reset the weight loss coin collection.

Calendar Trophy: When coins required to meet a weight loss goal have been saved, you are greeted with a flashing “Congratulations” button the following morning and is rewarded with a trophy on the screen’s calendar.

Calendar Coin: You may choose one day per week to avoid food tracking for celebratory or event purposes. The Celebration Coin (C-Coin) on the screen’s calendar indicates the day you have chosen to enjoy the C-Coin. Otherwise, all foods consumed must be recorded on a daily basis to maintain accurate tracking towards weight loss goals.

The Daily Status Screen which records all daily activities (meals, cardio, notes, coins saved/remaining) is accessible by tapping on any given day in the calendar.

NURITION “COIN YOUR SUCCESS” – Food & Fitness Tracker - by Val

70% of our fitness results are based on our nutritional habits. Recent studies have shown that people who track their food at least six days a week lose about twice as much weight as those tracking their food less than 3 times weekly. REACH's implemented steps to nutritional success:

  1. To encourage healthy nutrition habits and to assist with reaching one’s weight loss goal, the app allows no more than two servings per meal of the same food item.

  2. The food tracker encourages the practice of tracking all foods consumed on a daily basis. Input your meals before consumption or before the end of each day, as retroactive food entries are not allowed within the app.

  3. Unless you have chosen to use your Celebration Coin for the day, all foods consumed must be recorded in the food tracker to maintain accurate tracking towards your weight loss goals. If one misses more than two days of food tracking in a week, all “coins saved to date” for the current weight loss goal will be forfeited. Use of the Celebration Coin, when no food entry is required, is limited to one day per week.


This food tracker utilizes a novel coin system to equate the value of food, eliminating the complexity of counting calories. In this example, rather than tracking an intake of 1500 calories, the food tracker provides 15 daily coins to be applied towards the coin value of your chosen foods. Your calculated coin requirement is based on information from your Fitness Profile, which includes your weight loss goals. The tracker also encourages cardio participation, which is rewarded with value coins to expedite your fitness goals. Additional coins may be earned for each mile of exercise on a given day.

Celebration Coin (C-Coin): To utilize the Celebration Coin (C-Coin), you may choose just one day per week in which you will avoid tracking your food, whether it be for celebratory or other purposes. Other than a day you choose to utilize your C-Coin, all foods consumed must be recorded daily to maintain accurate tracking towards weight loss goals. An illuminated C-Coin indicates its availability for use, which will allow no food entry on the day used, and will darken after use until the following Monday. No coins will be saved or lost the day the C-Coin is used.

Macronutrient Details: Macronutrient tracking is a game changer, as Carbohydrates, Protein and Fat enable the body to function efficiently, build muscle and lose body fat. As each macronutrient provides energy required for various functions of the body, it is important to stay within their suggested ranges for optimum health. Maintaining the proper ratio of macronutrients will assist with weight loss, muscle gain, sustainable energy, and overall fitness.

Tracking Sodium: The food tracker monitors sodium intake to ensure that you stay within a healthy range. Most people consume too much sodium, which can result in high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke.

The Daily Status screen which records all daily activities (meals, cardio, notes, coins saved/remaining), is accessible by tapping the ‘ ’ icon at the top right of this screen.

Most food items in our database are single serving portions with a coin value.

Your meal input begins on the Food Tracker screen with the choice of breakfast, lunch, dinner, or snack. The ‘Repeat’ button allows for repeat of that most recent meal or you may use the search bar to review and select desired foods. To review the macronutrient composition of the food and to choose the portion size, tap on the ‘+’ icon of the desired food choice. When a food is added, it is populated at the top of the food list.

PORTION CONTROL IS KEY to achieving and maintaining weight loss and fitness goals. Therefore, the food tracker allows no more than two servings of the same food item per meal. You will reach your weight loss goal by staying within your daily budgeted coins. The food tracker encourages the practice of tracking all foods consumed on a daily basis. Input your meals before consumption or before the end of each day, as retroactive food entries are not allowed within the app. If one misses more than two days of food tracking in a week, all “coins saved to date” for the current weight loss goal will be forfeited.

Input Your Own Food Item(s): If you add your own food item(s), you will need to input the accurate macronutrient grams and sodium content. Custom foods added by the user will appear above the list of predefined foods. You may request assistance from REACH to add food items to our database, via the app support desk.

The Daily Status screen which records all daily activities (meals, cardio, notes, coins saved/remaining), is accessible by tapping the ‘ ’ icon at the top right of this screen.